Another Day Alive

Memories from My Life. I believe in the freedom of our founders. I believe in The United States of America. I AM AN AMERICAN!!!! "TANTUM RELIGIO PODUIT SUADERE MALORUM" "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity." -Thomas Jefferson

Friday, April 07, 2006

Scarier than an IED!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen
There is something that terrifies me more than being hit by an IED. About two years ago in a family outing my then nine year old little girl asked "how are babies are made?"
Well, I told her the same thing my father told me when I was her age and asked the same question. I told her that because Mom and Dad loved each other so much and wanted to share that love with a baby, I placed a small seed inside Mom's belly and she nourished the baby and kept her warm for nine months until she was ready for the outside world. I was so proud of myself and I gave a look of pride and satisfaction to my wife that was on the passenger side. No two minutes later she asked me "how did you get the seed inside Mom?" I don't remember what I told her then, but I know that my answer was not to her satisfaction. Today she is 11 years old and she is hanging out with 14-15 years old because there is no other girls of her age in the neighborhood. In my house I overheard one of older girls saying something like she was not giving it to her boyfriend and he was breaking up with her. Once they were gone for the night, my little girl and I sat down and had a long and hard conversation. She was also a little uncomfortable to the fact that she was discussing it with me. But we made deal; she will be able to tell me anything. I will also going to find, from my medics, the most graphic VD video that the Army has and show her the part of sex that nobody likes to talk about.
My little girl is growing up and her hormones are starting to kick. I hate knowing that I am educating her and some other is going to benefit of all the things I have taught her. She started to cook at 7, I bought her a telescope when she was five. In Kansas we used to go out in the summer nights and point the telescope at the stars. I told her about the beautiful stories of the heavens, the reason behind their light, the moon, the sun and the shooting stars.
She has been told that a person will be judge in "heaven" by the good done in life and NOT by believing in a religion. To me religion is a sin, if you need religion to believe in God then you have failed in life and God.
Sometimes I feel like crying when I see my 11 year old baby growing and growing and getting to the point where I am going to be in the position that I might have to shoot one of her male friends. I am well armed and for the love of my baby I would NOT hesitate on shooting any piece of crap that hurts my baby.
If she ever does illegal drugs, I would call the police on her and find the son of a bitch that sold/ gave it to her and make him suffer in more ways than one. I will not post her bail and I would let her stay in jail for as long as it takes. I have done my part and I have been there to teach her the good and the bad. If she makes the mistake of drugs, she will pay for her mistake. I love her and I know that it would kill us, but she made the call and she will pay for breaking the law.

Good night.


At 4/08/2006 4:35 PM, Blogger Darkneuro said...

You care. It shows. Although uncomfortable with it, she still asked, you still discussed. That's good Dad time. That's a DAMN good thing, and shows what a terrif job you're doing, actually. Good job, Dad :)

At 4/10/2006 2:40 PM, Blogger Lil Bit said...

Well, since I don't have any kids, I can't really relate to the "birds 'n bees" chat, but ... lol... you're so cute recounting it all.
You're such a good Daddy. ;)

ps Glad you're back & posting again, too!


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