Another Day Alive

Memories from My Life. I believe in the freedom of our founders. I believe in The United States of America. I AM AN AMERICAN!!!! "TANTUM RELIGIO PODUIT SUADERE MALORUM" "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity." -Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Arab-Muslim Problem

I would like to say I am sorry for my long absence but I have been working my ass off. We have new equipment that the company wants me to play with them. I have and I love them. Routers, switches, new computers, new terminals, new wiring..... etc.
While reading my favorite books by W.E.B Griffin I ran into a very interesting approach to the Arab-Muslim problem:
"Did you ever give serious thought to why so many American Blacks convert to Islam?" Kennedy asked.
"No," Castillo admitted.
"Maybe you should," Kennedy said.
"You tell me."
"Because they hate Whitey as much as the rag-heads hate all infidels," Kennedy said. "And for exactly the same reason: They got left behind and they don't like it."
"That is what this war is all about, Charley," Pevsner said.
"The Muslim world getting left behind. Think about it."
He paused and took a spoonful of soup.
"Take away their oil reserves and what do they have?" Pevsbner went on. "They once dominated the known world. Now with the exception of their oil, they are completely unimportant-more to the point powerless-in the modern world. They simply don't have the skills and the culture to compete in it. They gave the world mathematics, and some of the most wonderful architecture-so long as the architecture is based on one stone laid on top of another."
"All the skyscrapers in the Arab world were designed and built by the infidels, and their airplanes were designed and built by the infidels and their telephone systems.... even their sewers. And they need infidels to keep everything running."
"This is not the way Muhammad told them it was going to be. He promised them, in the Koran, that they were going t control the world. And they all know this because higher education in the Arab world consist mostly of men-only men- memorizing the Koran. And since nothing is their fault, it has to be someone else's-the infidels."
......"The Muslim world is four hundred-maybe five hundred- years behind the western world," Pevsner went on. "And adding to that problem is their religious hierarchy who likes it that way. People in power are never in favor of a system change that will see their power diminished. That is also true in the Wester world, of course. The Roman Catholic and my own Orthodox hierarchies-who also go around in medieval clothing-are as guilty of this as the mullahs. The difference is that as the influence of the Christian hierarchies on their societies has diminished over time, the Muslim hierarchies' influence has grown."
"They have-as we see examples of just about everyday-thousands, tens of thousands, perhaps many hundreds of thousands of faithful who are perfectly willing to sacrifice their lives because their mullahs tell them it will please God. And also send them directly to heaven, where they will receive the attentions of grateful whores. This, I think you will have to agree, make for a very dangerous situation for Western society."

I think that it the best explonation of what we see over Iraq. I must say that NOT ALL Muslim are radicals, but the few that are make the decisions for the country.

Good day.


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