Another Day Alive

Memories from My Life. I believe in the freedom of our founders. I believe in The United States of America. I AM AN AMERICAN!!!! "TANTUM RELIGIO PODUIT SUADERE MALORUM" "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity." -Thomas Jefferson

Friday, September 21, 2007

Good Morning

These last few weeks have been crazy.
I was working on my new job last week when my new group of workers asked me to help them set up a small network at the office. I did and now I have an additional job; Computer Geek for the office. I found a lot of old computers that have been just left out there to collect dust because there was something wrong with them.
I use my spare time to try and help them set up the network but it seems that these guys are over their heads with all that equipment and not knowing how to use it.


There is a rumor that this Iraqi war was because of oil!!!!! IF YOU THOUGHT DIFFERENTLY; PLEASE SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FOOT.


The stability of that region is directly related to you drinking milk at $3.00 a gallon or $12.00 a gallon. In the process the vice president and all his friends made a buck or two.

Was Saddam involved in the FIRST bombing of the World Trade Center?
Was al qaeda involved in the Oklahoma Bombing? Was Terry Nichols trained by Islamic extremist pigs in the Philippines?

There has been a lot of talk in the underground news that the connection was ignored by the Clinton administration because of the policies of expansion and investment in the world. Why the Republicans keep their mouth shut?
Was Reagan, Bush father, Clinton, and Bush Idiot in bed with al qaeda about a great oil deal with the Russian Republic as a partner?

I have been reading and reading some more about this crap and it is getting to the point that Sponge Bob is a better program to watch.

On the other hand I have been going to church with my girls. My youngest wants to be Catholic and as such I have to start to show her the true way of a Catholic.

The Priest at the church has this great point of view; "Things are not that bad." The reason I go to church is because when I was a kid I had a great time. We used to get beaten at the Catholic school I went but every beating I got was because I deserved it. One of the best memories is when at mass the guys at the front would try and make our friends helping the priest laugh. If they did they would get punish by beatings and praying for hours. Everybody did it and sometimes I got caught and I had to face the Brothers.
When I was ten I used to go to confession and try to come up with shit to confess because at that age what the hell I am going to confess? Outside the confession booth my friends and I would compare.
It was a great time, I WAS NEVER sexually abused by the brothers and priest or those sadistic nuns. Man, those women were pure fucking evil, every time I see one of them nuns my sideburns and knuckles start to hurt and I feel that the they have come to hit me again for some shit I did when I was ten.

Well, that is it for today, my parents are coming today and I have to go and pick them up at the airport.


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