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Friday, September 28, 2007

Rush Limbaugh is a Fu_king piece of crab sh_t!!!!!

So .... according to this piece of dog and crab shit I am a "Phony Soldier."

In the wake of the high-profile uproar from Republicans over a ad attacking Gen. David Petraeus, Democrats are seizing on recent comments from popular conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh who said on a recent broadcast on Iraq that some veterans who criticize the war in the media are "phony soldiers."

The comments came Wednesday when Limbaugh and a caller were discussing critics of the Iraq war.

"What's really funny is, they [Iraq war critics] never talk to real soldiers," the caller said. "They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media."

"The phony soldiers," Limbaugh added.

In a statement issued Thursday, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, called Limbaugh's comments a "personal attack on our men and women in uniform" and "reprehensible."

"It minimizes the sacrifice our troops in Iraq and their families are making and has no place in the public discourse," he added. "Rush Limbaugh owes our military and their families an apology for his hurtful comments that minimize their service to our country."

Also Thursday, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, a veteran of the Vietnam War, called the comments a "disgusting attack."

“In a single moment on his show, Limbaugh managed to question the patriotism of men and women in uniform who have put their lives on the line and many who died for his right to sit safely in his air-conditioned studio peddling hate," Kerry said in a statement. "He is an embarrassment to his party, and I expect the Republicans who flock to his microphone will now condemn this indefensible statement.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Pennsylvania, an Iraq War veteran, said, "Someone should tell chicken-hawk Rush Limbaugh that the only phonies are those who choose not to serve and then criticize those who do."

And on the House floor Thursday, Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr., D-New Jersey, said Republicans should hold and Limbaugh to the "same standard."

"I wonder if Republicans who showed so much outrage towards yesterday will hold Rush Limbaugh to the same standard, and I wouldn’t hold your breath," he said.

On Wednesday, the House voted 341-79 to condemn the liberal group's recent newspaper ad dubbing Petraeus "General Betray Us?"

UPDATE: Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, a candidate for president, is the latest Democrat to weigh in on the comments Friday, issuing a statement saying, "It's ironic, if not remotely surprising, that Rush Limbaugh - who makes his living shooting his mouth off - would impugn the patriotism and service of American troops simply because they have voiced their opposition to this failed policy. It's clear that he has no idea what the brave men and women of our armed forces are ostensibly fighting for."


While they're at it, the Democrats should also bring up the fact that this self important windbag was the one who coined the term general "betrayus" and NOT MoveOn. How do you like them potatoes???

Posted By Bea, Hoboken, NJ : September 28, 2007 11:16 am

Time to suit up Rush and take the place of a guy or gal who's been there for many tours. Oh wait, you'll probably have an excuse just like you did with Vietnam. How's that "cyst" treating you?

Posted By Jason . Howell, NJ : September 28, 2007 11:17 am

I hope Rush doesn't actually believe that 160,000 U.S soldiers in Iraq all agree with the war in general and the way it's been mismanaged to this point. There have been several stories of soldiers not agreeing with the war and still returning to do the job they're paid for, with many paying the ultimate price.
That job: Defending Limbaugh's right to be an obnoxious moron.

Posted By Randy S., Lawton, OK : September 28, 2007 11:26 am


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