Another Day Alive

Memories from My Life. I believe in the freedom of our founders. I believe in The United States of America. I AM AN AMERICAN!!!! "TANTUM RELIGIO PODUIT SUADERE MALORUM" "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity." -Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A nightmare of a father

A few nights ago, I was watching TV late night, couldn't sleep. When one of those "Girls Gone Wild" TV commercials came on. I like it because I think the eye candy is terrific, makes me remember my college days and my early Army days.
In one of them one young girls says "I am finally 18." I was just watching the commercial when my wife comes out of her sleep and tells me that my young daughter will be 18 in just a few years!!!!!
The horror!!! I told her that if my baby EVER comes out in one of those DVDs, there will be another series of DVDs that would come out; "Daddies going Berserk."
I can only imagine the chaos I would create if my baby was seen in one of those videos. I would find that big ass bus, put in practice everything I learned in Iraq and make my actions the topic for numerous afternoon TV shows.

That year I was in that Iraqi Jail taught me a few things about what humans can do to other humans in the name of family honor.

Just a few thoughts from a sleepless night.


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