Another Day Alive

Memories from My Life. I believe in the freedom of our founders. I believe in The United States of America. I AM AN AMERICAN!!!! "TANTUM RELIGIO PODUIT SUADERE MALORUM" "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity." -Thomas Jefferson

Friday, June 13, 2008

Have a great weekend


I have been working and enjoying the heat. It didn't last long, the heat that is, but I am about to be off.
The new company changed names again for the third time in as many months, every time that happens we get a bunch of shirts, pants, jackets and sweats. They are not cheap and I get about $1,000 worth of stuff every time that happens.
There is a chance to go to work in Kuwait for three months just doing transportation for linguist arriving and linguist leaving theater. The big company is looking for capable managers that are able to walk and think and see traffic at the same time. The last two managers were fired because they couldn't do crap, most of the flights were ticketed wrong, to the wrong countries, wrong time and when linguist leaving Kuwait they were not briefed of what to do once in country. The Company would buy two to three tickets for the same linguist and then ask why the other ticket was not used.
So if you, reading this, can work a computer (if you are reading this, you know more about computers that 75% of the people working with us right now) speak English, can do three things at once (one of them is breathing) and would like to get a job in Kuwait or Iraq please visit the websites of the companies doing business with the US Military.

Please take care and have a great weekend.


At 6/13/2008 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can do all of those things... and more!

Does that mean I can start packing my bags, now?


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