Another Day Alive

Memories from My Life. I believe in the freedom of our founders. I believe in The United States of America. I AM AN AMERICAN!!!! "TANTUM RELIGIO PODUIT SUADERE MALORUM" "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity." -Thomas Jefferson

Monday, October 27, 2008

Long and lasting weekend.

There are 4 women living in my house. I came to the conclusion that our family was not going to get larger because it was physically impossible. I was wrong.
Dani has been with us for about three months. She came from a world that is so strange that I can not even begin to imagine.
She lived in hotels, some of her stuff still in places where her dad was not able to pay and the hotel staff confiscated her last mementos that her mother left her before her death.
Her family still has contact with her, she has three other sisters. The oldest one has a husband and two children; the next one is just taking oxygen off the atmosphere, and the youngest one that lives with her father and live-in girlfriend/ fiancé or something. The oxygen thief is 17 years old, fat and with the ambition of a rock. She was told by child services that she either gets a GED or gets a job. She responded that she was a special case and didn’t have any skills to work. A few days ago she was sent to Juvenile Detention for getting in a fist fight with her father. No one on her family has ever graduated from high school.
Her family has a problem with the fact that Dani is doing well in school, that she lost weight, that she is living in a home where we don’t fight –much- that we eat a lot of fruit and healthy alternatives and that the food is not rationed.
Remember that she was presented to the judge as a spoil, selfish brat that only wanted her way.
She brought her grades a few days ago and they were good, they were not great but she had only two “Cs” and the rest were higher. She called her father and he told her that he was very proud of her.

The same day that her grades came in the mail, my wife scheduled her to her first dentist appointment. She was more excited about the dentist than the fact that we were please about her grades.

This last weekend we went to a little town in LA (Lower Alabama). It was a fair that was full of candy and fried food. I can not eat for the rest of the month.
I also had to fix my mother in-law’s computer.
That in itself was the reason I was drunk all Saturday night. It was an old computer and I had to reload Windows 2000. All the software and updates and the fact that she wanted to save all the pictures and with that it came a nasty Trojan horse that refused to die.
It took me about 12 hours of work to get that computer to where my mother in-law was happy. The best part that she kept beer and food coming for all those 12 hours, it could have been done in about 6 hours, but after a good buzz I was making a lot of errors and the computer got mad at me and locked me out a few times.

So that was my weekend. Now I will have to work for the next 12 days before I get some time off.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Another story from last month!!!!! Life is beautiful

On September 18th we went to court so we could get custody of Dani, There was her father, her sister, the family that had prior custody, social worker and the court appointed lawyer.

As soon as we went in, the judge was told what was going on and asked the prior family if they had given permission to Dani to stay at our home. They said no, and immediately she was placed under detention and escorted to a holding cell. Then the judge asked what was going on, the other family said that Dani was a spoiled brat that just didn’t get her way and left home. The judge said that he was the only one authorized to say where she could live and because Dani had no permission to stay at our home she was a runaway. He ordered to the social worker to go and inspect my house and we were to be back to court that afternoon. On that note we were dismissed.

Outside the court room, talking to the lawyer the family said that she was just an opportunistic little spoiled brat that was just looking for the best deal.
When it was our turn to speak we told her that there were not indications of that behavior and she had not given us any problem in the three weeks she had been staying with us.
At that time my wife had to go home and wait for the social worker to inspect our home. On the way, the lawyer called my wife and told her that Dani was asking for something to eat, my wife broke down on the phone and the lawyer was able to give some words of encouragement.
That afternoon, when we were all back in the court room, the judge called in Dani and explained her that we were her last chance and the he knew what was bet for her. He asked us that if we knew what we were getting into and we responded that we both knew.
Her handcuffs were removed and at that moment she was given temporary custody until October 9th, when the judge will give us full custody.

I have so much more to tell…….

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