Another Day Alive

Memories from My Life. I believe in the freedom of our founders. I believe in The United States of America. I AM AN AMERICAN!!!! "TANTUM RELIGIO PODUIT SUADERE MALORUM" "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity." -Thomas Jefferson

Friday, May 16, 2008


In 1999, George Bush Jr and John Maccain had a meeting right before the republican convention. After the meeting John Mccain stormed out of the meeting and withdrew his bid for the presidency.

Are these the reasons why?????

Good reading everybody.

Thank you Mr. President Bush for my Education Benefits!!!

Soldiers have a right to an education.
Imagine if Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen would go to college for free after a few years in a combat zone?
But, again, republicans have a nice habit of failing soldiers by denying simple education benefits to them.
"But the Bush administration and prominent lawmakers, including Senator John McCain of Arizona, a veteran and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, are resisting it."

Here is the whole article:

Please read it.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's day!!!!

Just a few pics that I found today!!!!
BTW My wife is terrified of storms, so we were up all night watching the storms passing us.

Have a great Sunday.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Supporting our Troops...Thank you Mr. President Bush

Many soldiers missing out on Bush's stimulus checks

In August 2006 the 10th Mountain Division, 2nd BCT, 1-89 Cavalry was sent to Iraq for 12 months. In April 2007, the troops were told the Army was adding three additional months to their time in country.

In November 2007 the troopers of 1-89 arrived back in New York from their tour. They are now being told by the IRS, via the IRS Web site, that they haven't earned enough money to qualify for the economic stimulus check.

One would think, after the Walter Reed Hospital scandal and other abuses of our military, that the conservatives would have learned that our troops have earned more than the country can ever pay them and that military members should be included automatically in every stimulus event.

Where is the support for the troops?

Good Morning

It is about to rain in a few minutes, I am going to run a few miles and do some yard work before I get wet.
I am so freaking frustraded that I cannot stand it. I want to go back to Iraq or go to Afghanistan.
I miss the sound of guns, I miss carrying a weapon, a side arm and a small pistol on my belt, on the lower back.
I want to go.... I want to go!!!!!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Have a great weekend

Another Friday goes away and the weekend seems uneventful!!!!
That is when all hell comes to town!!!! It is going to rain tonight and I am going to stand outside letting the warm rain soak me.

Yesterday gave me another change to fix a computer.
Long time ago, when I was working as a salesman, I had a friend that wanted to start his own radio station. Well he started his own radio station!!!!
Carlos was having a problem with a computer that held most of his music and had a few Computer-Networking friends that work at the local TV station take a look at it. After a few days, they were not able to bring it back. Yesterday morning I heard him on that new radio station and decided to give him a call. He said hello and invited for a cup of coffee. He asked me if I was with the computer company and if so, did I mind looking at the computer he had. I said that I was not but I didn't mind looking at it. He said that a few techs had tried without success. It took me five minutes to get it working again, and another five to make it do what it needed to do.
Today I went to pick up his other computer so I can load up some software on it and saw the techs from the TV station. I told them what I did to bring the computer back to life, gave them some software to use for bypassing the Administrator password and some other stuff.
I think they want me to work in some of their computers also!!!!

I better start charging for my time.

PLEASE have a great weekend and BE SAFE.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A nightmare of a father

A few nights ago, I was watching TV late night, couldn't sleep. When one of those "Girls Gone Wild" TV commercials came on. I like it because I think the eye candy is terrific, makes me remember my college days and my early Army days.
In one of them one young girls says "I am finally 18." I was just watching the commercial when my wife comes out of her sleep and tells me that my young daughter will be 18 in just a few years!!!!!
The horror!!! I told her that if my baby EVER comes out in one of those DVDs, there will be another series of DVDs that would come out; "Daddies going Berserk."
I can only imagine the chaos I would create if my baby was seen in one of those videos. I would find that big ass bus, put in practice everything I learned in Iraq and make my actions the topic for numerous afternoon TV shows.

That year I was in that Iraqi Jail taught me a few things about what humans can do to other humans in the name of family honor.

Just a few thoughts from a sleepless night.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Nemo sine culpa est!!!!!!!

Please read the TIME magazine article:,8599,1736831-1,00.html

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