Another Day Alive

Memories from My Life. I believe in the freedom of our founders. I believe in The United States of America. I AM AN AMERICAN!!!! "TANTUM RELIGIO PODUIT SUADERE MALORUM" "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity." -Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Blasphemous Teddy Bear

If you think this could not happen in America......
"What's in a name? that which we call Evil
By any other name would smell as rotten."


DEATH TO STUPIDITY: DEATH To Islam, DEATH To Christianity, DEATH To Judaism.

WORKING the long days to debt.

It seems that the more I make, the more I have to buy and spend. I just bought a big ass TV for the house, I wanted one of those TVs for a long time and it seems that this is the first time that I was able to pay that much money for one and still have food for the house. I hate spending money on anything like that, I think that I could have used the money for a trip or add the money for the girls college tuition or something else that is needed at the house.

I also feel guilty that I can get stuff and some of my friends can not. The guilt comes from my Mom, she buys NOTHING for herself, my dad has to buy her gifts and she doesn't wear them or shows them to anybody because she feels that she is bragging and that is a sin.
My brother bought her a bicycle a few months ago and it is until now that she started to ride it. Then my sister got her a membership to a very nice club so she can start swimming again and train for a triathlon (something that she has wanted to do for a long time) but she wanted to go to the college, four miles away, because after putting four kids through that college, my Mom and Dad have free access to all those facilities.
BUT I HAVE WANTED THAT TV FOR A LONG TIME. So I told the wife to go on line, fine a good TV and just get it. So she did and I feel that my Mom is going to say somethin about it because it was too much money.
I am 43 years old and still have to listen to my parents bitch at something I do and they don't agree with.
But I still love them.

Have a great week.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Islamist Propaganda. "Where is YOUTUBE when you need it?"

PA: IDF is Using Elite Female Stripper Death Squads

The Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida carried a story this week about IDF tactics that surpassed all previous accusations of supposed Israeli deviousness - poisoned candies, hormone-laced gum, poisoned wells, magnetized belts - in its bizarreness.

According to an Al-Hayat Al-Jadida front page report, the IDF has turned to using armed, female strippers in its war on upstanding Palestinian boys. The newspaper reports that when the Arab rock-throwing begins, IDF soldiers run for cover. Then, the story continues, after some time of hiding, an Israeli woman stands up on top of a barricade and begins to perform an alluring strip tease. Innocent Arab teenage boys, distracted from the business of rioting, are enticed to approach, when, according to the newspaper, the woman ? an IDF soldier ? shoots them with a pistol she had hidden in her underwear.

25 Av 5761 / 14 August 01

Am I dreaming? Iraq, I believe in you.

It has been a long time since I got good news from Iraq.
I am reading that peace is taking hold... My friends still say that their mission is of survival because the enemy still lethal. But there is hope, because Iraq is actually coming alive, shops are opening, restaurants are open late, people are tasting a peace that was never there. PEACE THAT WAS NEVER THERE and they like it.

Newsweek has an article that everybody should read. Maybe the death of my friends was worth the feeling of peace. Peace has come to a very high price for all of us. Peace is sill a long way before it takes hold for good. But the Iraqis are tasting it and with the smiles of the children playing and the parents taking them to play and to school and to the parks; the Iraq that I once saw in their hopes is coming alive.


What a weekend

I did so much this weekened and I accomplished nothing.
I had to fix a couple computers and didn't get to fix them the way I wanted because "all the pictures and stuff" my friends had in the hard drive.
Then a bunch of friends came to hang out and got drunk with some home made stuff that gave me the hang over of the century.
Now I am back to work and need some rest from the weekend.

Last week was hell week for me, all the linguist had a problem from the start and wanted me to fix it as soon as they made me aware of it. The "I just need a minute" turns to 2-3 hours of work for something that they could have done when they were being hired.
I found that two fuckers were still making a mess on the lid of the toilet and NOT inside the toilet.

Some of those guys take a cup so they can wash their fingers after they have done thier thing. I have to tell them ALL THE TIME that we are NOT Arabs and we find the way they clean their asses very unzanitary and disgusting.

That was my week, I will write more tomorrow.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Racist fuckers of all color.

On Halloween, my neighbors and I went trick or treating with our girls. We were drinking beers and had a great time. When we were closing the “Candy Stand” a group of kids and their mothers were late, but we still had candy and wanted to give it away. Walter, the next door dog, got out and started to bark. The dog is black and because one of those kids started to run the dog thought the kid wanted to play and went after him. One of the ladies was carrying a year old baby on her arms and on the other hand she had a bottle of pepper spray. It is very dark, I went after the dog, she wanted to use the pepper spray on the dog and she said that she was going to use it against me if I didn’t control the dog, the kid fell into a hole, but this stupid bitch wanted to use the pepper spray so bad she didn’t care that she had a year old baby on her arms. The kid had some cuts but the stupid bitch didn’t care, she had something against the dog…… I guess that there are stupid people in all races and colors. I told her that she shouldn’t use it, and she responded with the control the dog thing. ANYBODY THAT HAS A DOG knows when a dog wants to play or is going to attack. I guess this stupid bitch wanted to use that pepper spray so bad that she didn’t care. And I told her that it was the kid that she should be careful with because she might miss. Then my German friend that is married to a black man, said: “that dog only bites stupid people.” The stupid bitch looked at our kids and couldn’t say anything about being racist because Three of the families that were with us were inter-racial. You should have seen the face of that stupid bitch when the only thing left to do was to keep on walking!!!!

I HATE RACIST FUCKERS that think that the white race owns them anything!!! And people that think the south was a better place with the separation of races. REMEMBER that slavery is evil itself.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Cool pics from early morning. Still cann't sleep ....

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Anything you ever wanted to know; if you wanted to know why your right toe nail grows faster than your left toe nail, or if it is the other way?
Is the world going to end on December 2012?
Do Penis enlargers work?
Don't go anywhere with that, I can tell you that they don't. It was lonely in Iraq I tell you.
Will Tom Cruise ever going to find true love?
Are you still looking for Jesus?
There is Jesus Lawn Service here in GA and the guy is making a killing. NOBODY wants to say no to Jesus, and if ever asked who takes care of your lawn, just answer; Jesus.

It has been a slow weekend and I am working on friends computers.

TAKE CARE and enjoy this beautiful afternoon.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

The GOV running the war from the rear.

Good morning

I just came by an article about a Colonel in the US Marine that is worth reading.

The US Military is fighting two enemies; the politicos in Washington DC, and the terrorist all over the world. When I say all over the world I mean that.
Africa is coming up as a potential war zone. Everybody is asking about what to do with Iran, I say the it should be dealt on the negotiating table, they need us more than we need them, Bush and the VP are too happy to press the trigger, knowing very well that neither have ever served in combat.

I just hope that if we bomb Iran, there is a good reason for that and we go in full force and not like before.

Good day to all.

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